Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Russia have been for many years fixing flaws of “compromising evidence” in their liturgical buildings. Since 2012, such cases have been documented over 60, some recorded on video, posted on YouTube and shown on the air of international television companies. But this is practically unknown to the public in Russia, Russian mass media keep silent about it, except for a few specialized resources.
“Compromising” in this case is “extremist” literature. We leave behind the brackets the question of why it is considered such. More importantly, this literature is artificially thrown up, and law enforcement agencies are doing it. Those bodies, which by their name should “protect the law,” themselves violate this right in the most blatant, criminal way, incriminating citizens what they did not do, solely on the basis of their religious views.
These days, information about the screech sounds from the highest legal platform, which is possible within the country – in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The lawyers of the Russian Management Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses led a lot of shocking details on the process of such upswings in the April trial.
“Riot policemen break into the services, throw all the men on the floor, they were not allowed to even raise their heads, while unknown men move uncontrollably through the building. The cameras recorded how the OMON stormed the liturgical building and police officers tossed illegal materials into the cabinet, and then they were “discovered”, “lawyer Maxim Novakov told the trial. Judge Ivanenko studied pictures of how this happens.

Flurries of literature – this is a whole scheme, which includes not only stormtroopers in masks, but also false witnesses. Sometimes such witnesses “split”. This happened to the settlement of Kurdzhinovo (Karachay-Cherkessia), where the court fined three believers on the basis of a knowingly false witness. When they realized this, they repented and gave a receipt that they acted under the pressure of the FSB. This material is also at the disposal of the Supreme Court. Does not recall one famous evangelical story? It is good that in this case the matter did not reach suicide.
In another case, “understood” was friends with an employee of the FSB in social networks, to which the notarial confirmation was presented.
But if some clues say only about the participation of law enforcement agencies, then other strings lead straight to the ROC MP. For example, in Voronezh, an “Orthodox anti-sectarian” center participated in the scam of literature. It was he who gave the forbidden book for the toss! And this was done so clumsily at all stages (up to the laying of books under the carpet) that Voronezh court ruled in favor of believers. So far, no participant in the subplots has been held responsible. “Orthodox” centers in which the forbidden literature of Witnesses are kept, also nobody searches.
Previously, the public did not know these facts, now it has a great chance to learn them thanks to a wide coverage of the process in the media. One can confidently say that the Justice Ministry has made a gift to believers, having created such a powerful publicity of everything that happens to the Witnesses in recent years. It is not known what would have happened if this process had not been in place and the plantations continued for many years in complete obscurity and impunity. But now in the courtroom there are dozens of journalists, scientists, representatives of other states.
What does all this mean, not from a legal, but from a moral point of view? The position of the Ministry of Justice on the need to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses is based on fabricated evidence, and the fabrication of evidence is a criminal offense (Article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the approval of this position is an endorsement of a criminal offense.
What does this mean for the Russian anti-cult movement? One very simple conclusion, which can be formulated in the form of a rhetorical question. If Jehovah’s Witnesses are a harmful and dangerous “sect,” why is it necessary to throw “compromising evidence” into the prayer rooms for its prohibition? If a robber robbed a bank, he is punished for robbing a bank. But if the stolen goods are thrown at him, a natural question arises: is he robbing the bank or not?
The existence of a long-term massive campaign to spread compromising materials to civilians, who in their absolute majority have not violated any laws, is the most convincing argument against those who like to talk about some illegal activity of Witnesses. All anti-cultists and “sectologists” of the country should, in theory, come out with pickets, demands and appeals to stop throwing, because this completely destroys their thesis about the danger of Jehovah’