Russia gets go ahead to liquidate Jehovah’s Witnesses Organisation

MOSCOW, Russia – The Appeal Court in Moscow, Russia has granted Russian Prosecutor the leave to liquidate activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses(JW) in Russia after branding them extremist group.The JW had appealed the decision and tried...

Russian Appellate Court Dismisses Witnesses’ Appeal Against Warning

On January 16, 2017, the Moscow City Court dismissed the Witnesses’ appeal that challenged the legality of the Prosecutor General’s warning issued against their national headquarters. The three-judge panel rejected all arguments filed by the Witnesses’ attorneys...

Russian court bans Jehovah’s Witnesses branch in Jewish Autonomous Region

MOSCOW, October 12 (RAPSI) – A court in the Jewish Autonomous Region has ruled to ban a branch of “The Jehovah’s Witnesses” in Birobidzhan because of distributing extremist literature by the organization, according to the court’s...

Experts Decry Russia’s Threat to Ban the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

This is Part 2 of a three-part series based onexclusive interviews with noted scholars of religion, politics, and sociology, as well as experts in Soviet and post-Soviet studies.ST. PETERSBURG, Russia—Russian authorities are attempting to ban the New World...

RUSSIA: Many meetings raided and evidence planted

Raids on Jehovah's Witness premises now take place more than three times per month. These raids on doctrinally pacifist religious communities often involve many heavily armed and camouflaged officials, with the "discovery" of apparently planted...

Routine harassment of Jehovah’s Witnesses reported

Early in the morning of 20 September 2016, armed agents of law enforcement bodies in masks conducted a series of searches in houses of worship and private homes of Jehovah's Witnesses in Stavropol territory and...

KAZAKHSTAN: Sharing faith a state security issue?

Secret police officers hold "conversations" with and warn individuals suspected of talking to others of their faith, official reports from Almaty Region confirm. Talking about religion without state registration is illegal and punishable. Officials refuse...

Jehovah’s Witnesses Banned in Russian Belgorod for ‘Tearing Apart Families’

The Supreme Court in Russia's southern city of Belgorod has ruled for a local Jehovah's Witnesses group to be disbanded as an “extremist” organization, the RAPSI legal news agency reported Thursday. Prosecutors told the court...

RUSSIA: Putin signs sharing beliefs, “extremism”, punishments

President Putin has signed amendments imposing harsh restrictions on sharing beliefs, including where and who may share them, and increased "extremism" punishments, introduced with alleged "anti-terrorism" changes. There are widespread Russian protests against the suddenly-introduced...

Uzbekistan – Three-year imprisonment for religious literature

Stanislav Kim could be jailed for up to three years if convicted of having "illegal" religious literature in his home in Urgench. In Bukhara, two Jehovah's Witnesses were jailed for ten days and, with 28...

Russian Supreme Court bans Jehovah’s Witnesses branch

MOSCOW, June 9 (RAPSI, Lyudmila Klenko) – Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Belgorod as extremist organization, RAPSI reports from the courtroom.In February 2016, the Belgorod Regional Court has granted a lawsuit...

Uzbekistan – Large fines for “illegal” religious literature

Uzbekistan continues raids, large fines and confiscation of "illegal" religious literature, at least 18 Protestants and 11 Jehovah's Witnesses being fined up to 60 times the minimum monthly salary. Asked whether people have freedom of...

Russia – Jehovah’s Witnesses face possible liquidation

If prosecutors proceed with their threat to liquidate the Jehovah's Witness headquarters near St Petersburg, thousands of local congregations across Russia could also face prohibition of their activities and individuals could be vulnerable to criminal...

RUSSIA: 2015 prosecutions for publicly sharing beliefs

Unapproved sharing of beliefs were a quarter of 2015 prosecutions for public events in Russia. Forum 18 found 119 individuals and 3 religious organisations prosecuted, a sharp rise on 2014. Initial punishments were 80 fines,...

RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witness Bible to be “extremist”?

Russian prosecutors are trying to ban the Jehovah's Witness New World Bible as "extremist", Forum 18 notes. However, a Pervouralsk court refused to ban two Islamic texts citing the Koran as "extremist", in the first...

RUSSIA: In 2015, 89 known individuals and communities prosecuted for religious literature

Unemployed Jehovah's Witness A. Bokov served six days in prison for possessing Jehovah's Witness literature the Russian authorities deem "extremist". Yevgeny Menshenin served five days in prison for sharing an Islamic video on a social...

Russian Authorities Move Toward Unprecedented Shutdown of Witnesses’ National Headquarters

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia—In an unprecedented move, Russian authorities have threatened to close the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation issued a formal warning letter dated March 2,...