A letter from Whitney Heichel’s mother

Dear family, I want to tell you that although this has been the worst of my life’s tribulations, that I am still standing.
The obvious reason is that Jehovah is the faithful “keeper of Promises” holding to his word that never, would his great love allow his precious children to be tested beyond what we could bear. That he would empower us with abundant strength as long as we hold loyally to him.
I have not lost my daughter Whitney and you have not lost a sister. I know exactly where she is. That girl loves to sleep and she is taking a bit of a nap right now, held tightly in Jehovah’s memory. What a cozy place to be.
My family has been told that many are crushed with sadness for us. Don’t be overcome with grief. As difficult as this has been, a tremendous opportunity has opened up because people in communities around the earth have opened their hearts wide to learning more about us as a people and the God whose name we carry. Because of the experiences I have recently witnessed or someone has shared, this ordeal has greatly impacted the minds and hearts of really good, compassionate and loving people. I promise you that if Jehovah told me that he would end this cruel system immediately so that I could hold Whitney safe and warm in my arms, see those shining eyes and her radiant smile tomorrow, I promise you… that I would beg him to wait so that we would have the time to reach out to those people. We could not rescue Whitney but we can rescue them. Jehovah knows what he is doing.
This mother does not have the words to express the gratitude she has for the millions of prayers that have flowed to Jehovah for my family nor the countless tears that have fallen for the sorrow that visited our lives. And while many of you have not been able to be present with us in a literal sense, I have known you were there with every breath that I have taken. Hugs do travel through the air on wings of angels and although there was a horrific hole cut from my heart, I have been squeezed so tightly with your love that it has already closed enough to let me breathe, witness to others and even to laugh out loud. My prayers include you and I needed to reassure you that my family and I are not just standing we are standing stronger than ever.
Beautiful Whitney beat us to Paradise.
I love you, I love you,
Your sis Lorilei

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