With the events in Egypt unfolding in graphic detail, what has been the plight of the modern day congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Egypt ? Listed below are a number of excerpts from the Watchtower pertaining to the struggle of Jehovah’s people in that part of the world.
*** w68 6/1 p. 326 Religious Persecution Flares in the United Arab Republic ***
But then, during the fall and winter of 1966-1967, the pressures noticeably increased. In Alexandria alone, some forty Witnesses were summoned by officials and given warning to cease meeting together for Bible study and to stop speaking to others about the Scriptures.
*** w68 6/1 p. 325 Religious Persecution Flares in the United Arab Republic ***
Finally, the government did this, officially banning Jehovah’s witnesses in the United Arab Republic on June 2, 1960. And what was the response of the churches? Note the answer given in the Arab weekly magazine Sabbah El-Kheir, of April 6, 1967:
“The opinion of the Egyptian Church was given right after the decree of banning of Jehovah’s witnesses. It says: ‘We congratulate the Minister of Social Affairs . . . and those government officials who stayed alert and suppressed this Society who are enemies of religion and who cause division and support Zionism. And we hope that they will pursue the rest of this Society into their holes and secret meeting places to put them out of existence forever.’”
*** w68 6/1 p. 325 Religious Persecution Flares in the United Arab Republic ***
As far back as March 17, 1955, the New York Daily News reported: “Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox bishops today urged the Egyptian government to close down the Cairo branch of the American Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society on grounds that it is spreading Zionist propaganda.”
*** w68 6/1 p. 325 Religious Persecution Flares in the United Arab Republic ***
THE London Daily Telegraph of April 14, 1967, reported: “Scores of Jehovah’s Witnesses have been rounded up and are being held in gaol [jail] pending trial or deportation, it was announced in Cairo today. The arrests were at the request of the Coptic Patriarchate
*** w68 3/1 p. 154 par. 29 Up with the True, Down with the False! ***
The Watch Tower missionaries were expelled from Egypt too, and many local Witnesses were subjected to extreme torture.
*** w68 3/1 p. 154 par. 29 Up with the True, Down with the False! ***
Then, too, look at Egypt (U.A.R.) where Jehovah’s witnesses were arrested at the time of the 1967 Memorial celebration.
*** yb70 p. 313 Other Countries Where Jehovah’s Witnesses Work Under Difficulty ***
There has been only one brother who was deported from Egypt this year because of being one of Jehovah’s witnesses.
*** yb76 p. 177 Part 2—South Africa and Neighboring Territories ***
Not until 1952 does the Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses tell us that two Mauritians, while serving as soldiers in World War II, came in contact with the Kingdom work in Egypt.
*** km 7/78 p. 4 Theocratic News ***
Egyptian authorities in Alexandria, Egypt, arrested 30 of Jehovah’s Witnesses, including children, for having a home Bible discussion.