News from Japan from a sister

Dear brothers and sisters .
Thank you very much for the kind concern.
I can not believe what I am watching on TV .
A huge TSUNAMI is swelling cars, roads, bridges,  fields and the airport.
Tsunami warning have been issued on almost every sea coast of all Japan.
Many people were fond dead.We still have after shocks very often.
Industrial zones are burning. Trains are not moving. Cell phones do not work.
Mails can be sent once in every 5 times.
I think all brothers and sisters in the area where I live are safe.(almost 100 brothers and sisters)
The elders in our circuit were attending the Kingdom Ministry School at that time.
One elder a called me few hours ago and told me that they took an interruption for a while and kept on school.
And he came back home on foot.
I have to wait few more days to get more information.
I was in the first floor of some building when the earthquake struck.Obviously it was the hardest one I have ever experienced. I prayed to Jehovah and thought that would be my last prayer in this system of the things.but it was not.
Kumiko in Tokyo Japan

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