Dmitriy Terebilov Served His Sentence for Faith, but Was Not Released — the Court in the Second Case Placed the Believer under Arrest

Dmitriy Terebilov, whose sentence for his faith expired on September 5, remains behind bars. Back on August 26, the Sverdlovsk District Court of Kostroma ruled to place Terebilov in a pre-trial detention center in the second case – for conversations about the Bible with another prisoner.

The investigation interprets such conversations as “the involvement of convicts … in the activities of an extremist organization.” The man Terebilov had been talking to cooperated with the investigation, pretending to be interested in the Bible.

The administration of Penal Colony No. 1 in the Kostroma Region, where the believer was previously held, forbade giving Dmitriy those letters of support in which the name of God appears. Terebilov faced other restrictions as well. “Whatever he did: read the Bible, prayed to God, told others about his faith, it can be equated to a violation of the law,” says Dmitry’s lawyer. At the same time, none of the above is forbidden to prisoners professing other religious views.

The believer considers such treatment a violation of his rights, so he appealed against the actions of the colony administration in the district and regional courts, but they ruled not in favor of Terebilov.

The Case of Terebilov in Kostroma

Case History

In July 2018, police officers with OMON searched Dmitry Terebilov’s apartment in his absence. A year later, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the believer for participating in the activities of an extremist organization. Soon Terebilov was searched again. The believer was placed under recognizance agreement and included in the Rosfinmonitoring list. In September 2020, Dmitriy’s case went to court, which a year later sentenced him to three years in a maximum-security penal colony. The appeal and then the cassation left the verdict unchanged. Terebilov served his sentence in penal colony No. 1 in the Kostroma region. In April 2023, Dmitriy became a defendant in a new criminal case for talking about the Bible with another prisoner. At the end of his sentence, the believer was left in a pre-trial detention center, where he awaits a new sentence. {continue reading here}

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