Japan Bethel Report

This is an unofficial report from an Interchange member who received an email from the United States Bethel Branch.
According the the report, approximately 2300 brothers and sisters have been affected by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck northern Japan. So far, reports indicate that there are 115 brothers and sisters missing. One brother and one sister and one unbelieving mate are confirmed dead.
Five Kingdom Halls were destroyed. As of now, 3 disaster relief committees have been set up and the Governing Body is arranging for more relief and funds to be sent to the area.
Of course, we can likely anticipate an official media release at http://www.jw-media.org in the near future.
EDIT: Since originally publishing this report, more emails have come in. Here is one of them…
My sister received this from a friend at Brooklyn Bethel this morning.
An announcement was made this morning about the 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami that devastated Japan on March 11. It was the worst in Japan’s history. Over 10,000 persons are reported as missing.
The Japan branch buildings swayed (the branch is 50 miles west of Tokyo, and the affected area is about 300 miles NE from there) and some minor damage occurred. The brothers are checking and will repair the damage.
About 2,300 publishers live in the area hit by the tsunami. So far 1 brother, 1 sister, and the unbelieving husband of a sister are known to have died. However, 115 of our brothers are missing. Five Kingdom Halls were destroyed. Brothers have been appointed to check matters out and relief has been organized.
They have asked that we keep our brothers in Japan in mind in our prayers. For those who would like to help out, donations can be placed in the Kingdom Hall contribution box for the Worldwide Fund.
Psalm 46:1, 2 was read as a scripture that applies to the situation. Reference was also made to 2 Cor. 1:3-7.

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