Kingdom Hall, Waterloo Road, Radstock, Avon BA3 3EP (KH Map)
A local school approached the congregation coordinator to ask if 2 x classes (60+ children) could visit the Kingdom Hall one afternoon as part of their school project on different religions.
The congregation checked with Bethel who said it was absolutely okay, in fact, if any good experiences come from the visit please be sure to feedback!
On Wednesday 7th July the two school classes came along in the afternoon in two sittings to visit our Kingdom Hall in Midsomer Norton for their tour. They filed into the hall and sat in rows. I addressed them with a 10 minute talk followed by a Q&A session. After the short talk the children watched attentively part of the Wt DVD: ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses Organized to Share the Good News’.
They asked so many questions, it was so refreshing for us to see their inquisitiveness; words cannot express what a delight it was. Their questions showed real interest. They asked such things as:
Do you enjoy your job?
Do you wear special clothes for your role?
Number of Elders / Ministerial Servants?
Where is your Headquarters?
What languages is the literature available in?
Do you take communion?
What is the difference between you and other religions?
Who pays for the printing of the literature you distribute?
How long have you had this building?
What plans do you have for the KH?
What countries does the Britain Branch print for?
Do you have weddings and funerals here?
Do you have a grave yard?
Do you have a special title?
How long have you been a minister?
When were you baptized?
How many in your congregation?
How many come to attend each time?
Do young people give talks in the congregation?
How many different Bibles do you have here?
What is the oldest Bible you have here?
How many do you have in your home?
Why do you not have any Statues (Idols)?
What is that? (Pointing to the Year Text)
Some questions were ‘prepared’ but they prompted further impromptu questions. The children were very keen to ask so many things, putting their hands up high and waiting for their turn. Of course all the questions were satisfactorily answered while the teachers took written notes about the visit – what was said and done.
Each child was presented with their own brochure to take home (either the ‘You Can Be Gods Friend’ (7-8yrs) or ‘Jehovah Witnesses – What Do They Believe?’ (9-10yrs). Each was also given coloured pens and a photocopy of the picture on page 11 of the Great Teacher Book with the caption and Mark 10:13-14 for them to take away and colour.
All of the Teachers and Teaching Assistants were offered ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses and Education’ which they readily accepted.
The children conducted themselves sensibly, they appeared fascinated by the new environment, and they showed real interest in what they heard and saw. In fact a second round of questions came from the older class after watching the DVD mainly about the size and activity of the worldwide organization, many did not realize the scope of the preaching and the amount of quality literature and Bibles we produce and distribute!
My wife and I had prepared a table at the back of the hall with Kingdom Tracts and the ‘When Someone You Love Dies’, ‘Government’ & ‘Blood’ brochures and some took those as well as they left.
In all 122 brochures were placed and 30+ tracts. We can’t wait to hear further what becomes of this event. It will give the angels something to report back on as these little ones give thought to Jehovah, His Name and His organization. The Head Mistress came with the older class (9-10yrs) and she appeared very impressed when she learnt of the scale of our organization, the tremendous literature production and distribution work through our presentation.
In all what a joyful afternoons’ ministry we had!
Our home congregation was told about the visit at the next meeting and they are keen to gauge what difference it makes to our preaching work in the area.
Since that day we heard that one little girl went home with her brochure along with the ‘When Someone You Love Dies’ brochure which she had personally chosen. She asked her parents to ‘take her back to the Kingdom Hall regularly like they used to’ (they used to have a family Bible Study but stopped it for various reasons). She told them that she ‘was happy at the Kingdom Hall and that was where her friends were!’
One of the teachers since asked about the Year Text, whether the ‘same text is on display in all Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world?’
One of the attending children is the son of a sister in our congregation and he was able to answer that question during the school day. His mother also attended as a school assistant on the day of the visit. She and her son have also been able to visit the other churches with the class and make comparisons!
Related by Brother Philip Gaunt, Midsomer Norton Congregation
Kingdom Hall, Waterloo Rd, Radstock, Avon, BA3 3EP England