We had Brother Petit give our talk today. He lives locally, but was a missionary in Japan for years and one of his sons still serves at Bethel. He told us an interesting experience/account that he just heard from his son. It was this:
You know our new printing presses that print our magazines at that astronomical rate (like 200K an hour) and are at the Japan, Canada and German branches, well the Chinese government has one too.
Theirs broke. They called the German company that made the press and found out that the company had gone out of business and couldn’t provide any technical support.
They suggested that the JWs in Japan had a printer and might be able to help. So, the Chinese government called the Branch in Japan and 3 brothers went to China to lend a hand. Of course, they knew what was wrong and fixed it. The Chinese government was so impressed and grateful they said  they wanted to do something for the brothers.
The brothers said they could legalize JW to organize freely in China. The Chinese government said, of course, that it couldn’t do that because by law the heads of all national organizations had to be appointed by the communist party.
BUT, they said, they would lift the ban on JW.org.
WHAT?!?! Yes, now JW.ORG is legal in China.
I instantly started crying and wanted to break out clapping. How fantastic is that?
I wonder who broke that press…

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